Life insurance contract
She explained the insurance contract on the life one of the types of
commercial insurance is not gharar decades forbidden; hold it a donation
and not a contract netting Vivsdh ambiguity; because of ambiguity which
is not conducive to a dispute between the parties; the large number of
people treated him and prevalence them and spread in all areas of
economic activity, what people roll and she with him without resulting
conflict around him has not finished with him.
The study documents the trade of all kinds of insurance, insurance
companies shows that more of its clauses are only rules of regulatory
planned by insurance companies if accepted by the client became
committed to, including, and most of these items in the aggregate do not
violate Islamic law, but there are some items must be abolished or
modified; to conform with the provisions of the law and in conformity
with the decision of the leaders of the insurance in the minutes of
their meeting, headed by Mufti Dar al-Ifta dated March 25 1997 and in
the following items:
Re premiums in full
- Item included: Re premiums in full if the insured is alive at the end
of the insurance period, you must modify this item to: Re full value of
premiums if the insured is alive at the end of the insurance period with
its investments after deduction of a certain percentage for
administrative actions undertaken by the company.
- Article X included: that if happened in spite of sending the
registered address client does not let loose in the prescribed time
limit, and the premiums the first three years did not pay fully
considered the contract is null and without the need for a warning, and
the remaining premiums paid birthright of the company, you must modify
this article to:. .. are set premiums paid to the client after deducting
the proportion of not more than 10% against the actions taken by the
company; so the company does not seize people's wealth unlawfully.
- Article XIII first paragraph included: the right to claim any right of
the rights arising from the insurance contract fall if not claimed by
the owners, or did not provide the company function on death documents,
this paragraph should be canceled; where that right is established for
the client does not fall in any way way, even if not claimed by the
owners, and ten years later and delivers the money to the house money
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