الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2016

Types of Life Insurance

Types and individual life insurance policies
BD10263_Mixed insurance on the life of one person with participation in profits
The insurance company undertakes to pay the amount of insurance to the beneficiary specified in the contract in case of death of the insured during the term of the contract, or at the end of the contract period if under the insured alive, plus profits earned in both cases.
BD10263_Mixed insurance on the lives of two people with the participation in the profits.In this type of documents include coverage of two people bound together by family or business relationships links, where the insurance company undertakes to pay the amount of insurance at the end of the insurance period date if under the two people insured their lives alive, but in the case of death of one of them before the end of the insurance period, the company acted immediately the amount of insurance to the other person insured on his life and surviving plus dividends to the date of death.
BD10263_Dowry insurance and education with profits and pension.The father doing this type of insurance to ensure that the amount is paid to his son or his daughter as an expense of university education or a dowry at marriage, and pay the amount of insurance at the end of the insurance period contracted for the father, if it exists in the history of the end of the insurance if the insurance continued until that date, but if the father dies during validity of the insurance, the document shall be exempted from payment of installments that are worth it after his father's death and continue the original insurance on the same terms, but do not share the document in profit for the period of the exemption from premiums - in addition, the company will pay for the son of a pension every year until the end of the insurance period or even before his death, it pays this pension in two installments every six months a boost, but if the son died during the life of the father during the validity of the insurance, the company is paid the amount of the original insurance plus dividends accrued until the death of the son, according to the following:BD14830_ if he was above the five-year pay the amount of insurance with full profit and ends insurance.BD14830_ if he was between 3-5 years pay 50% of the amount, profit and ends insurance.BD14830_ if it was 1-3 years old pay 25 of the amount and profits and ends insurance.BD10263_ insurance venture with a subscription secured in profitsPays the amount of the basic insurance at the end of the period of insurance to the insured plus share document from investment earnings and other gains, the share of profits in the December 31 are added each year, among the basic annual premiums paid since a year or more (compound interest system) If died insured during the validity of the insurance, the company is paid to the beneficiaries in full amount of the basic insurance, added to the document's share of the investment profits and other dividends declared until the date of death.BD10263_ mixed insurance with early payments with participation in profitsThis type of insurance is held for periods of 12 years - 15 years - 18 years - 21 years, in the case of the insured to survive until the end of the insurance pays the amount of insurance as follows: A - at the end of the third period of the first insurance, for example, if the duration of insurance 12 the year the company will pay a quarter of the amount of insurance (2500 pounds, if the amount of insurance 10,000 pounds) after four years - at the end of the second trimester (ie, after another four years the company will pay a quarter second of the amount of insurance (2500 pounds if the amount of the insurance 10,000 pounds) at the end insurance after the passage of 12 years, paid the company the rest of the amount of insurance a (half) any amount of 5000 pounds plus profit by this example. b - the case of the death of the insured during the validity of the insurance, the company is paid the amount of insurance in full, without deducting any payments already paid the insured plus the profits that have accrued to the date of his death.BD10263_ insurance for lifeThe insurance company undertakes to pay the amount of insurance to the beneficiary specified in the contract upon the death of the insured at any time when the death occurs to any insurance protection afforded by this type of insurance that will last for the duration of the life of the insured without any limitation of time in which death occurs. You choose the amount of insurance that fits economic needs.BD10263_ family income subsidySubsidies paid in addition to the sum insured under an insurance policy mixed life and these ads aimed at providing income to members of the deceased's dependents during the period between the date of death of the insured and the maturity date of the document or expire.BD10263_ temporary insuranceThis contract ensures the payment of the amount of insurance to the beneficiary specified in the contract in case of death of the insured, it provided that such death occurs during a certain period, if the insured remained alive until the end of this period is discharged insurance company and end the contract.BD10263_ temporary life insuranceTemporary insurance provides you with the protection of a definite premiums low. Tstata and choose the program that is best suited to your need protection.BD10265_ - Fixed Term Insurance: Insurance amount that you choose for the duration of the insurance contract does not change. And thus ensuring the protection of a definite for your family in the event of premature death, God forbid. And you can determine how long you want (5,10,15,20,25, years, etc ...)BD10265_ - temporary insurance declining: guarantees you peace of mind and peace of mind if you get a loan to buy a house or an apartment or a car. The company is to pay the balance of the loan granted to you without your family members subjected to drowning in debt in order to repay the value of the home you purchase for their comfort.BD10265_ - temporary insurance business: you are guaranteed your capital in any project you do in case of death where the company flexibility in payments: You can design your payments so that the amount commensurate with the amount of protection you want and adapt your payments increase or decrease.BD10263_ temporary insurance premiums with the response in the case of lifeThis type of insurance, such as the type of "insurance temporary" but differs in that in the case of the insured to survive until the end of the insurance period, the company shall refund all premiums by the insured performance during the period of insurance.BD10263_ insurance temporary decliningWhich is similar to (7) in that it gives the insurance coverage for the insured to lead the amount of insurance in case of death only during the period of insurance, but differs in that the amount of insurance in any year of insurance at least the amount of insurance in the previous year, meaning that the amount of insurance decreases fixed annually as much, and lead this kind of insurance premiums during the period of time less than the duration of the original insurance often during a period equivalent to two-thirds of the insurance period.This type of insurance fits borrowers of banks and investment institutions that grant such loans.BD10263_ document tuition feesIt is a document innovative grant insurance coverage for the parent pupil / student during the study phase until the end of high school, so that in case of death of the parent company is committed to pay the tuition fees of the pupil / student until the completion of secondary education in the same school or in another school with the same level of the fee school.BD10263_ document Statistics Employment InsuranceIt is a document annual insurance cover cases of regular death with double the amount of insurance in case of accidental death in addition to the disability resulting from an accident and expenses of transportation of the body.It is the amount of a standard insurance amount of 1000 pounds, insurance premium uniformly for all ages and can double the amount of insurance up to 4,000 pounds.This document fit Statistics labor deployed in Kuwait, such as domestic servants, drivers, farm workers and restaurant workers and hygiene, where he gives them insurance coverage premium appropriately.BD10263_ close personal protection for executives
For deposits of up to 50 000 pounds or more. This document provides life insurance in accordance with the terms and conditions of the document, in addition to the return of 25% on premiums paid at the end of the document, which include life insurance, and insurance privileges against diseasesBD10263_ document triple benefits
This document provides you with three key advantages:Regular cash payments to those wishing to obtain cash before the end of the vesting period.Protection for your family throughout the document.Total amount payable at maturity.You can also choose not to get the cash premiums and invested in our funds to ensure you get the most return at maturity

 Group Life Insurance
This type provides insurance insurance protection for a group of people bound together by some certain related by virtue of a single document, and often they are either employees company, institution, members of the club, association, union or receivables to commercial enterprise (or bank), and the benefits and coverages granted under insurance collective as follows:BD14981_ life insuranceBD14981_ secure permanent total disability resulting from disease (without incident)BD14981_ secure permanent total disability resulting from an accidentBD14981_ secure permanent partial disability as a result of an accidentBD14981_ secure temporary total disability due to accidentLife insurance procedures- Issuance proceduresBD14980_ are getting insurance requests by representatives of companies or agents accredited or review the company directly where the request is packaged form of insurance is the answer to all the questions by the student insurance and select the desired cover typeBD14980_ The company is studying the request of insurance and risk assessment in the light of the state of health insurance for the student to determine the appropriate price and ramp additional price premium in the case of an increased risk of student insuranceBD14980_ the medical examination of student conduct insurance in light of the results of risk assessment in the light of the limits of the amount of insurance which is subject to a medical examination, according to company policyBD14980_ is determined by the price of insurance and reinsurance complete by the company proceduresInsurance premium is calculated and issued the insurance policy and is delivered Insured / him a copy of the document after the payment of the insurance premiumCompensation proceduresThe request for compensation to the company is studying the application by the company in light of the terms of the document and the documents to be submitted by the claimant in each case, whether natural death, accidental death disability (permanent and temporary), the end of the insurance period and the receipt Alamblg.oeetm repay the amount of the claim to the receivable and signing clearance and discharge.Questions and answers about life insurance1 Q: Why do I need a life insurance policy?Insurance policy on the life be helpful in two ways. On the one hand provide for your family a sum of money in case of death, God forbid, on the other hand, they provide a way to find it so that you have the amount of spending it may in some special cases, such as the education of your child, or retirement, or open a business.

Q2: What is the minimum types of life insurance cost?Is that document that gives you a lump sum all at once when death occurs - God forbid - through a certain number of years, for example, 10 years. In caseDie - God forbid - you will get your family on the amount of money (known as the amount of insurance). This type of insurance is called insurance for a specific order.

3 Q: When do I need this kind of documentation?When you need basic coverage for your family. In the event of death - God forbid - you ensure that your family a sum of money as beneficiaries of this coverage.Also because when you are in need of a bank loan, you be able to provide this document as collateral for a bank when prompted, and this ensures a refund without returning to your family to recover the remaining amount of the loan.Q4: What are the questions that must be facets before I decided to get a life insurance policy?Key questions are: What benefits do you want? How much can you pay? What might happen in the event of your inability to continue to pay? The return you earn? Is there any guarantee for the return of this document? Where Tsttmron my money?Q5: What is the information that the insurance company you need to know?We need all of your personal data in detail, such as date of birth, the amount insured, the number of years the document, and the details thoroughly about your health.Q6: How the insurance company calculates the premium that must be paid?This depends on the key: your age factors, life and health, the number of years covered by your document and that the amount to be insured. The higher the less your age and health condition is good, the lower the premium.

Q7: What if you want to get a return on premiums?Then you need to close investing premiums for its development. Such documents are high cost. Since they are designed to provide a cash return in specific situations, such as retirement, college or insurance premiums. It also provides you with protection against disability as well as death.
Q8: Why do I have to get an investment document while I could get the same yield of savings in a bank account?There are two reasons: first, that the bank account does not offer you protection in the event of death - God forbid - or disability. Second, the investment documents are usually long-term. It is in any event aims to provide a return higher than the offer the bank account because we are investing in longer-term assets.
Q 9: In which areas will be invested my money?We invest in many of the financial investment, including government bonds in the United States, and Europe's activities, the stock is a first-class traded on major stock markets, local bonds selected.Q10: How do I determine the amount of investment in the Sosahm document?You have to limit your monthly income and then decide the amount that may be deducted monthly value. Is not important to start with a small amount, but it is important to begin with. A_i_ariona Malians will help you to decide the amount you plan to select value.Q. 11: After fixing it, what should I do?You must complete the application, and make arrangements to pay the premiums form.
12 Q: When did you start the insurance coverage?We face threats against the insured amount you have chosen Once we accept your order, you pay the first installment.


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